Avengers: Age of Ultron – Joss Whedon, 2015

April 28, 2015

Ever since the Avengers saved the world back in 2012 they’ve become quite the team. When they try to regain Loki’s scepter in Eastern Europe they encounter a whole new threat. Two of their opponents have been granted supernatural powers by experiments with the gem in the scepter. One of them literally gets into Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) head and instils into him a vision of failure. He manages to retrieve the scepter and they all return to New York. Blinded by fear Stark uses the scepter to create an artificial intelligence by the name of Ultron (James Spader), who shall protect the Earth from future attacks. Ultron, however interprets his mission in a different way: He seeks to destroy the Avengers.

Although I’m not a big fan of action-films or the ever-present comic-adaptions, every once in a while I enjoy them. They are fun, visually impressive, loud and cool. Avengers: Age of Ultron is exactly what you expect of it. The first part had that holy-shit-effect, which you get only when you see a movie the first time. Part II doesn’t have that, but it does its best to reach the level of action we saw the last time and succeeds. Joss Whedon does a great job at connecting all the different plot-lines in a non-confusing way. Even though there are so many characters to follow, we never lose sight of what’s happening. There may be one or two plot holes, but who cares as long as we get to see Iron Man fight The Hulk in a oversized metal armor? I’m too much of a story-guy to watch this movie a second time, but everyone who liked part I will certainly have a ball with Age of Ultron. Now we only have to wait until Infinity War arrives in 2018.

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